How to download files from this class GitHub
repository. 3 options:
- Use git. This allows you to have a version controlled copy of this complete site repository on your local computer that can always be kept up to date and in sync with the master version. It takes a little work to learn how to do this, but there are many resources online. This is the recommended procedure and is a good excuse to learn how to use this powerful version control tool.
- Download the entire repository as a compressed .zip (more for Windows) or .tar.gz (more for Linux) file by clicking the buttons to the right. This allows you to get all of the content without having to learn git, but your copy won't be kept in sync with the master; it is just a one-time snapshot.
- You can download an individual file by simply opening
the file in github, then clicking the "Raw" button on the
upper right of the display pane. Thus the "raw" file
will be downloaded to your computer (or if it is text it
will be displayed to your browser window, where you can
save it). GitHub doesn't make this option
particularly obvious because they want to encourage people
to use the version control capabilities of git.
Welcome to Making Makers!
This course is meant to be an introduction to the maker movement from the bottom up. There are many books, kits, courses, and websites available that provide excellent introductions to electronics, particularly using the popular Arduino micro-controller that we will use. However, this course will explore the physics of actuators and sensors that can be controlled and interfaced with an Arduino. By exploring the physical principles and designing and building examples, we will obtain a deeper picture of how things work and why. By interfacing with the Robot Garden hacker-space, the student will be introduced to a network and support group that will enable and enhance his future maker endeavors. Several guest maker show-and-tells will be scheduled throughout the course.
Course Syllabus
Class Viewgraphs:
- Jay's Lecture #1 - the electromagnetic force dominates our experience and this course.
- Jay's Lecture #2 - a simple motor.
- Jay's Lecture #3 - introduction to Arduino and our robot.
- Jay's
Lecture #4 - H-bridge wiring w/ 9V battery.
Joystick + photoresistor sketch (3/22/'16)
Arduino Sketches
The Robot: CAD
drawings and Laser Cutter files and Arduino sketches
Arduino Sensor Datasheet - information about the components in our kit
Happy 12th Birthday Arduino!
Saturday, April 2nd at Robot Garden, 11AM to 3PM. Come
share your projects and ideas with other Arduino
enthusiasts! Check out the Meetup.
Andrew's recommended Arduino books:
- Programming Arduino Getting Started with Sketches
- Getting
Started with Arduino: The Open Source Electronics
Prototyping Platform (Make) 3rd
Maker Faire is coming! May 20-22, 2016 in San Mateo.
Robot Garden Meeting (March 1st) information page
Definition: Maker
From UrbanDictionary:
Used to describe those who love to create things in their spare time (often electronic, often with their own hands). Also called Hobbyists. The term is popular in the open hardware and hardware hacking electronics communities.
B: Totally! What maker in his right mind wouldn't be there?